Bevin Bell-Hall Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Bevin Bell-Hall
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


A commercial demo featuring different character and narrators.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, I'm Devin Bell Hall Blue Care Network. The little card that makes a world of difference. Imagine a place that ignites all your senses so hot. It gives you chills. Long before december. We stop wrapping toys and start packing the best deals of the year for Sparta Con In rural areas, Children face different challenges. Parents often leave their Children with relatives when they migrate to the big cities. Oh my God, I'm like totally freaking like out of nowhere, this thing flies up and it's like ting first. It's like no big deal, you know? But now it's totally out of control. Really? Why suffer through the lukewarm take out that you'll probably need to nuke again until, Oh look now the cheese is a bubbling puddle. The entree is still cold in the middle and hey, this isn't what you ordered mom. I don't feel well. I played a dollar ticket and 1 $400 a week for life. It's like I have a fairy godmother who grants me a wish every week after week after week