Corporate Explainer for Finacle Assure

Video Narration


audio from an AV (corporate explainer) for Finacle Assure, a financial product

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
thanks today have to battle several complexities. Dealing with a multitude of interconnected applications on hybrid platforms is only the tip of the iceberg. To ensure flawless service round the clock Thanks, I T teams have to ensure that infrastructure and business applications work together in complete harmony, even in the face of unforeseen problems. This, of course, is no easy tabs. Most banks I t teams air not fully equipped to handle surprises. Downtimes, therefore, are an unfortunate reality, but today's customers demand uninterrupted service 24 7 So to counter downtimes and deliver round the clock service, banks need to do things differently. Introducing finical assure a preventive maintenance Servants, finical assure, prevents application and infrastructure issues before they occur. And how does it do that with a set of powerful analytics capabilities that help detect and prevent potential issues. 24 7 monitoring and remedial service through an offshore command center and a SWAT team for rapid response and incident resolution. What's more, cynical assure is delivered as a managed service, which means you can have it up and running within days without major capital investments. Not only does finical assure help prevent outages, it also reduces your operations costs. It's analytical. Engine helps optimize capacity based on current insights as well as expected usage, so you can be sure your expensive infrastructure investments are always optimal. Go ahead and power new levels of system availability and performance with finical assure.