Warm and Rich

Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
unlock the best life has to offer for generations to come. Introducing the legacy membership exclusively at Ironwood Golf and Country Club. As a legacy member, you'll not only enjoy the benefits of an active, family friendly lifestyle, but your Children and grandchildren will enjoy membership status as well. Belonging to Ironwood is remarkable, sharing it when your entire family is even better. Become your legacy member today only at Ironwood Golf and Country Club, Gulf at its finest life at its fullest. This here's a story about a crate, not your average. Great. This is a snap grade. Because of those snaps, our snap great was able to take trip after trip around the world. You see most greats Well, they get used only once a snap. Great takes an average of 30 journeys in its lifetime and pays for itself by the second or third John. But to make so many journeys well, you gotta be tough. And our snap crate, frequently held its own again and again in the heart of Virginia awaits a place longing to give you the get away you've been looking for. Come meet Lynchburg, a place where trails offer adventure streets proclaim history Natural beauty begs respond and people exude hospitality. It all starts here. Come meet history