Character Demo



Various character reads and voices

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
builder. Hall night is complete. We've done it little buddy. You can take it from here. It's time for me to go. Sometimes you go and sometimes you don't go and this is one of those times right here. Oh, I hit my face, Don't worry, Shelly old boy, I've had worse miss me. I asked you a question ring around the rosie hanging on a rope time. Hey there, I'm Bill kielbasa. Hot dog expert extraordinaire. I have tried just about every dog there is in the U. S. Of a. You got your Chicago dogs, you've got your California, veggie dogs. Why? I have no idea. Hello is someone there please please, if someone is there, help me help me die, please. Thank you. You are it be the Twizzlers? Free shipping all season long at target dot com. I'm a big fan of this. Uh fan. Yeah, a good fan. It's like sticking your head out the car window. Come on, open up dang door. It's time for my vacation. If things keep going like this, I'll never get rid of my tan lines so you're gonna shut that freaking thing off of what that beeping is driving me nuts.