Medicare - male, informative, friendly and relatable

Online Ad


Commercial for the McLaren Medicare plan.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


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outdoor fun road trips nights on the town and a Medicare plan That puts your needs first a McLaren Medicare advantage. Plan enrollment is now open and you can call today to get the comprehensive coverage you deserve. McLaren Medicare is your local choice for high quality and superior customer service from an expert team of providers. And McLaren Medicare is your choice for value with affordable all in one Medicare advantage plans that can help you save money. McLaren Medicare plans include access to an extensive network of doctors, hospitals and specialists and out of pocket yearly minimum. That makes life more predictable. Plus benefits that include dental hearing, even a fitness allowance, you receive the same quality care we expect for our our own families and you can trust McLaren Medicare to help you choose a plan that fits your life. So you can look forward to more celebrations, more adventures. More of the things you love. Thanks to a Medicare advantage plan that always puts you first a McLaren Medicare advantage plan. Call the number shown and let our experts match you to the right coverage for your needs and your budget. They'll and answer all your questions including am I eligible for Medicare advantage? How can I get dental and vision coverage? Am I still covered? If I travel there's no obligation when you call but you'll want to act now because the Medicare annual enrollment period ends december 7th. Don't put it off call or go online today. So you can look forward to your next chapter in life with McLaren Medicare