Sample excerpts from an urban transit system

Voice Assistant


Like what you would hear in a train, as it approaches and leaves various stations.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
train approaching. Please stand back from the yellow line. Next train arriving this train. Destination self. This train is eastbound to move to a south bound train, please remove all your belongings and exit to the platform. Follow the signs to the south bound trade. Next stop, Madison Station. Next stop. Anderson Station. Next stop. Central station Connections to all trains and buses can be made from this location. Thank you for traveling with us. Please remember to bring all of your belongings with you as you exit the train. Train arriving. Please stand back of the yellow line Doors opening. The train is attempting to depart. Please ensure your bags and personal belongings or clear of the doors. We thank you for traveling with us and hope to see you again soon.