2021 Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Michael Huzzey
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This is a commercial demo. Recorded in my home studio and produced with the help of suchavoice and Michael Yurchack as my director.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you're not just getting class leading horsepower and unmatched versatility. You're getting the freedom to explore the world jeep like no other. You work too hard to let your money wither away. When you invest with the expertise of jP morgan, your money works just as hard as you do. Chase, make more of what's yours? The viewing experience is so different from normal T. V. It's almost silly to even call a T. V. Introducing the new Samsung Q LED. The Y. Was founded to help people get through difficult times and today that's no different. Reach out to your local Y and stay with us for a better us. People said wait making a taco with a Dorito shell. What are you crazy? Yes, yes we are. Doritos. Locos. Tacos only a taco bell. It was so small. If people wanted to come home with me I'd make up excuses. But then I went to Best Buy and got myself a 52 inch flat screen. Now I'm showing it off to everybody, Get an amazing deal on top brands only at best buy. Mhm.