Excerpt from thriller audiobook

Profile photo for Brian Haendiges
Not Yet Rated


Author's story is mystery/thriller. Excerpt is from a tense encounter.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
he blinked away a tear, and I'm not going to lose Josh. He jumped at her, grabbing and came away with a handful of gauze. She teetered on the edge long enough for him to make out the fresh tattoo waves. Steve and block letters today's date. Then she fell, fell with Josh. Steve reached and fell with them all three tumbling through the fading afternoon light. They hit the water and one under. He lost his bearings for a moment, wondering which way was up. Still, himself floated for a minute, got himself pointed upward and kicked. He broke the surface only long enough for a quick breath and to see Josh hands tied but dolphin kicking towards the shore when he heard a splash behind him. Guess it wasn't height, Steve. Now let's see about water. As he turned, she grabbed him in an iron hug and dragged him toward the bottom.