The Billion Dollar Spy - Excerpt - David E. Hoffman

Profile photo for Bradley Victor
Not Yet Rated


Narrated, recorded, and edited the clip.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the spy had vanished. He was the most successful and valued agent the United States had run inside the Soviet Union in two decades. His documents and drawings had unlocked the secrets of Soviet radar and revealed sensitive plans for research on weapons systems. A decade into the future, he had taken frightful risks to smuggle circuit boards and blueprints out of his military laboratory and handed them over to the C. I. A. His espionage put the United States and position to dominate the skies in aerial combat and confirmed the vulnerability of Soviet air defenses that American cruise missiles and bombers could fly under the radar. In the late autumn and early winter of 1982 the C I a. Lost touch with him. Five scheduled meetings were missed. Months had gone by. In October, an attempt to rendezvous with him failed because of overwhelming KGB surveillance on the street. Even the deep cover officers of the CIA's Moscow station, invisible to the KGB, could not break through. On November 24th, a deep cover officer wearing a light disguise managed to call the spy's apartment from a payphone. But someone else answered. The officer hung up