All my voice work for mods.

Profile photo for Brady Smith
Not Yet Rated


I landed one role as a minor character for a large mod for Fallout New Vegas.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to the clinic. There's food here for all Vegas citizens. Please have some. We've come to New Vegas as a part of our mission trip. We want to ensure that the people of the city are well nourished and healthy. Marietta, I assure you that the scandalous slander these men are telling you is false. I never had contact with this Jonah Padme or or step foot in that underground bunker. Oh, I mean, ****! Goddammit! Madison Kumar, Code red! Code red! Defensive positions. Engage Alpha. Take them out. Cover me! Ah, ****! Require medical aid now. ****! Oh, Uh huh. Oh, wow. Mike, The **** is this? Mike? What? We don't hear from you since you run off to join the Army, then all of a sudden used to have some cryptic holla tape. It looks like no one else is coming. Then I knew this was a bad idea. I knew Mike was too much of a coward to show his face after all these years, right? That's enough. You shut your mouth right now. Mm. A new patient. I should be able to accommodate you, but you're going up to pay. Since you don't pay Texas because Because I love you, Lorraine. I've been too afraid to admit it until now. But if I don't say it now, then I may never be able to Have you seen We did it. Paul is human again. And it's all thanks to you. Yeah. What do you want? We'll see about that. Yeah. Damn kids these days. Whatever happened, respecting your elders? You the so called nuclear generation playing your finger, all new contraptions on your terminals? Yeah. You see that over there? Yeah. Next to the rock. Kind of Looks like a *****, huh? You know, I totally forgot to trim my toenails before we came. Halle ******* hurt. You know, I got a bullet with your name on it. Well, in this case, I probably got more of a laser projectile with your name on it. Yeah, it's not as cool. I know. All right? I need two guys on the ledge, three guys on the ledge to the right. And why is there so many ******* legend? Anyways, um, we're gonna have to split this up because there's way too many of them and few of us, so we need to kill them more than they kill us. Got it? Okay. Thanks. I know you're shooting at me, but I'd rather you suck. Start that gun and or you shoot yourself or your friends. You know, just even the odds for all of us. My name is Night, Drew, and I just drew a new magazine for your ******* face. Hey, remember that guy that talked about the sand repellent ****? Kind of wishing I had that right now? Man, I think that Castle door stung me a little too hard because you weren't that attractive before I was stung by it.