
Profile photo for Brandi Harnish
Not Yet Rated

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North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a new but yes, l party to put your hair up in the pigtails. And I think you've helped your sorry self out enough for one night. Honey, did you just put a bigger bottle on my head? Hey, don't be a wise guy. I'm still your mother. Yeah, My head. What are you waiting for? Growing up. That was all Italians here. That was a great shot. Despite the business of Mulberry Street, nobody saw nothing Compete. What is the nature of your emergency? You have not proven your lines to the Galactic Federation Flowers. What kind of lame girl? Once those just said your stinking But right down in front of the computer, it was easy. I love the savings. Look, I have customers to see. Bring me what I need her Bug off. Don't give me that. Try stuff. You do it. You are my son. You there? What are you doing? Yeah, I was totally blown away. I thought I was going to be expensive, but they help me get started without any money. Down. A minor malfunction, I suppose. Oh, uh, keys, Keys. It's one dinner. I don't want any problems tonight. You treat him right. I wear a lot of fun. A friend request comes in from someone. I don't really know that well, and I consider Do I want them thinking we're friends now? Will they start calling me up to go for coffee?