Brandon Pollock 2021 Audiobook Narration Demo



A few short examples of the Audiobooks I've had the privilege to lend my voice to!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
My entrance was met with sudden silence and suspicious eyes of about 10 individuals. The sea of designer suits should have made me feel intimidated, but this was not my first rodeo. I wore an old tweed suit jacket for this exact purpose, even though I was only 49 and looked closer to 40 because I exercised and took care of myself. The jacket gave me the look of a tenured professor that took everyone back to their college days and gave me a proper measure of intimidation to put a final touch on it. I had inserted my University of michigan pin into the lapel of the jacket, which seemed to imply that maybe I was somewhat important, or at least that I had some brains. Let's get right to a gentleman, said razor. He sat in a luxury leather chair at the top of a long mahogany table. He was a tall man, with the demeanor of a dictator, so it looked like he was sitting at a throne, even though he had a table in front of him. There were no chairs left at the table, so I sat in one of the chairs along the wall. If I was not an outsider before, I sure felt like one. Now. You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success and endowed with the seeds of greatness, Zig Ziglar, whether you're a single mom or family man, you're in business or you're working for someone, one thing is certain you have your picture of greatness, it's somewhere on the walls of your mind and the wallet or your back pocket. Somewhere. Somehow you got a model for greatness and you're always chasing after it. But alas, this is the time to isolate and identify what greatness really means to you. It is time to walk in a new level of clarity about what makes it to the top of your priority list. By this, I mean, you get to where you courageously reset your priority. You need to answer the questions on your mind. There's a voice that always desires to be sure you're not wasting time and resources chasing a mirage. Last but not least. Let's talk about not drinking. As I alluded to back in the introduction, this aspect of bar 40 can evoke an immediate and dug in, arms crossed, head, shaking, flat out, refusal by plenty of people who are simply not interested in parting ways with alcohol for a year. If you are in that category, then by all means feel free to skip this section. I have no ax to grind against alcohol, and I am not on any crusade to rid the world of the devil's drink once and for all, trying to convince someone to stop drinking who truly does not want to stop is a fool's errand that I have no desire to spend time attempting. My only intent is to provide some background in information on why I consider removing alcohol to be a major advantage and realizing the full potential of your best year ever. Also, while I know there are a certain percentage of people that are dead set against giving up drinking. As for a little background on the dry aspect of bar 40, it goes back to when I was 39 and thinking about what my 40th best year ever would entail and specifically what the main differences from my normal routine would be. I was putting together the ideas of what would eventually become bar 40 and in looking at the main areas of improvement, I could see pretty quickly that my fondness for drinking beers was in direct conflict with virtually every goal I had.