

The role of annoying Bro for a video game.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Brendan Fitzgibbons. Ah ****. That chick in the pink dress was ******* insane bro, she was all over the dance floor and the second she saw us popping bottles of the good ship. She just ******* appears like a ******* vampire or something bro. I'm like uh where the **** did you come from? And she was all like you guys like to party ******* ridiculous man. You know how sharks can smell blood from miles away? That's how chicks like that are with blow, I'm serious bro, they can sense it. Hey whoa hold up a second. Is that charlie? Yo charlie? I see you, you dumb. ****, don't try to ******* hide. Come over here bro, I just want to talk to you real quick now bro, we're cool. Yeah just come over here, get over here, don't you ******* run you little bit, I'm gonna beat the funk out of you charlie. Get back here ****, hold my cocaine. Oh **** that chick in the pink dress was ******* insane bro. She was all over the dance floor, I ******* everyone even the DJ and the second she saw us popping bottles of the good Ship, she just ******* appears like a ******* vampire or something bro. I don't know, I don't read science fiction, I'm like uh where the **** did you come from? And she was all like you guys like to party. My dad hates me ******* ridiculous man, you know how sharks can smell blood from miles away. That's how chicks like this are with blow. I'm serious bro? I love shark week, they can sense it. Hey? whoa! Hold up a second. Is that charlie? Yo charlie? I see you, you dumb. ****! Don't try to ******* hide. Come over here. I just want to talk to you real quick nah bro, we're cool. Just come over here. Get over here, don't you ******* run you little bit. I'm gonna beat the funk out of you charlie! Get back here, I'm gonna get you ************. ****, I shouldn't have worn crocs today.