Cost of Freedom



Audiobook narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
he took a deep breath and let it out slowly. This was it, the start of a two week long vacation. It was going to be strange not going into the office. But he knew that it was important that he spent time with Jamie and the kids. Everyone needed a break. Besides, Jamie was over seven months pregnant, and he knew that she could do with having him around, even if it was just to strengthen the bond between them. When he climbed out of the car, the sun beat down on his neck. It was full summer, and the world was bright and colorful. He grabbed his bag from the trunk and walked to the front door. Where's my beautiful family? He called out. When he walked in Daddy, he was greeted by Lily and Benton, who came bounding down the passage. The twins were four years old now, and more than a handful. Ha ha! I found two of them, Alex cried out, dumping his bag right next to the front door and kneeling down. He wrapped an arm around each of the twins and lifted them up, spinning in a circle. They squealed and laughed where is Mummy? Alex asked as he set them down again. Benton grabbed him around the leg and looked up, his sweet little face smeared with chocolate. She's in the kitchen, Lily said. Hands on her hips. And what is she doing there? Alex asked, Fainting. Surprise cooking, Benton shouted, and he and Lily ran back to the kitchen. Alex shook his head and laughed, following the twins through the house. When he walked to the kitchen, the smell of Jamey's famous marinara sauce filled the air, and Alex took a deep breath. This was the smell of home, he realized, and the scattered laughter of the kids was the soundtrack. When he walked in, Jamie stood in front of the stove. She wore a yellow summer dress and brown sandals, and her blonde hair hung down her back. It was getting along now. She stirred the pot on the stove. Alex paused for a moment, watching her as she stirred the pot. The kids settled down in the corner where a table with crayons had been set up. Jamie didn't seem to realize he was staring at her. She looked absolutely stunning, lost in a world of her own, her belly was getting bigger, but it was the most beautiful thing Alex had ever seen. Every time Jamie was pregnant, he had been overwhelmed by how beautiful she was. She was the most beautiful pregnant woman in the world. She wore it so well.