Television Ad


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Senior (55+)


British (General)


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there's meant to be what 7.5 billion of us sharing this planet on DH No. Two are the same, every single one, completely unique, making their mark in their own way. 7.5 billion all different. Now you can customise your phone. Plan B is individuals. You are search oh to custom plans. Our journey to extraordinary flavour begins here, where our beans evolved into the most astonishingly magnificent coffee since the dawn of time, drinking in caramel aromas, berry undertones and other wondrous wonders. All so will stood in his wife's dressing gown. Can say flipping. That's decent tailors of Harrogate Extraordinary flavour. Green flag. We think the es are great after all, they won bucketfuls of the world. They'll give you unlimited call outs whenever you get in a pickle pickle on DH, They cover the whole of the UK Very good indeed. So why is that so great? Because green flag do all of this too. But we'll have your a renewal quote green flag. Common sense to the rescue. Life is being brave, remembering it forever being spontaneous together. Life is a leap into the unknown. Sharon. Enjoy it. Life is beautiful and unexpected. It's a perfect fit. H. Samuel Celebrating life since 18 62 Mind your own business. Oddly, you never hear that phrase in business, because when barriers go up, shutters tend to come down. But a business that's open minded, open late, open to new places, markets in the world. Well, a business like that stays open. HSBC Together we thrive. There's a new Morrison celebration cake for everyone. You'll find a rocket for Rosie, a lion for Luke, a giant cupcake for Chloe, a narwhal Noah. There's a leopard for lily, a mermaid for Max and a chocolate layer cake for everyone. The new celebration take range at Morrison's.