Homesteading Encyclopedia Introduction



Personable, warm and friendly - Kelly will guide you through the process of homesteading - from maintaining tools to harvesting vegetables - she touches on all of it.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
My name is Kelly Reed and my husband Robert and I have been home studying since 2009 over a decade of experience with off the grid living has given us a wealth of knowledge and expertise. But it wasn't always like that. When we started, we were totally new to all of this, just like you, we spent a lot of time and energy looking through resources that promised to help us plan and prepare. We found that there were plenty of resources. In fact, there were almost too many, but it was difficult to navigate such an overwhelming amount of information. Sometimes these sources seemed to contradict one another and many also offered an idealized idea of what homesteading life was like, which set us up for a rude awakening. This confusion meant that we went through a lot of frustration and pain, not to mention losing a lot of time and money when we made uninformed or misguided choices through a lot of trial and error. We've learned the best way to do things, but we don't want rude awakenings or trial and error for you. That's why I've written this book. I've only included the things I believe you need to know