Animated voice over for food product using British Northern accent.



Animation for animal food narrating voice over with British Northern accent with character voice.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Liverpool, Manchester, Lancashire, Cheshire) British (England - Yorkshire & Humber) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it's great to be out and stretching our legs. don't you think? fresh air sunshine, green grass? lovely. oh, aye. i tell you what though. i'd heard that agnes had been suffering from butter fat depression, but she looks as happy as maggie. no, you daft cow. butterfat depression is when the amount of milk fat we produce decreases. it's not uncommon when turning out of grass. you know, we got to watch what we eat. nutrition's important after all. it's why we've been on that mega fat. 88 mega vet 88 aye. it's a room and protected fat designed to boost milk fat. a great source of energy too. so we will also produce more milk. ah, so that's why i've been milking like a good one. so what happened to the other 87 mega hats? mega fat. 88 has 88% c 16. meaning it has a very high concentration of palmitic acid. that's where the 88 come from. you've cheese for brains. you know that