Brittany King Voice Demo

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just off the coast of Port McNeill in the pristine waters of the Johnston Straight. There's a proud family of fishers who want to know if you're shopping at Thrifty Foods, we can guarantee it's from D. C. Come join the merriment and bring your appetite for two weekends of food. And I'm Britney King. Back from my trip to the Philippines with World Vision, I saw a beautiful country and I witnessed overwhelming, unimaginable poverty that really opened my eyes. The experience helped me understand the scope of World Vision's mission, and it's why I'm decided to sponsor a child. Ladies, prepare yourselves for the ultimate Girls weekend. It's Victoria. Women show at first rec centers. How powerful is the human mind? Can we change the way we age? How do you teach business leaders to think beyond the bottom line? These are just some of the big questions that will be brought to life from March 2nd to seventh at the University of Victoria's Idea. Fast look out, kids. Here come the goats. Dwight School Canada, a small carrying community that believes each student has a spark of genius, is now accepting applications. Remember when your mom said best. Don't run with scissors. She's right, but you can walk with scissors carefully. You can walk carefully with scissors to your fairway flyer and clip up some incredible deals with summer just around the corner. It's time to start planning all the fun things that keep you and your family fit. Happy Hour Contribution will provide Children with access to food, clean water, health care and education. It all starts with just one child. Learn more at just one child dot c. A. Victoria's Women in Need Community Cooperative has just opened a new shop in Langford on January 28 from 10 AM to seven PM, you're invited to shop gently used items in the wind wheel for deals, prizes and enjoy food and refreshments. Get in the loop is now at Hillside Centre. What's getting the loop you off? It's a great new app that gets you exclusive deals at your favorite restaurants, hangouts and now shopping centers say it's pretty. On November 28th join yellow pages for Shop, the neighborhood in support of neighborhood businesses like the Make House, where I just took my first sewing lesson. Guess what everyone in my life is getting for Christmas this year. Tote bags