Sample | Video Narration | Blizzard Entertainment

Video Narration


Case Study video for Blizzard's advertising agency

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Thea Opera House hosted four different performances played out over the course of the evening. Each act was broadcast on Facebook live, and one performance alone had an audience. What were 45,000 people? James Men's Hall had hearthstone influencers going head to head in three games of chess, but this party was a disco after all. So, of course, the night ended on the dance floor. After all was said and done, it took 342 candlesticks, three suits of armor, a 54 foot long scroll, a giant stained glass window and a full size disco ball to fully fabricate seven rooms from the ground up, transforming a loft space in downtown Los Angeles into a mystically groovy tower to put on an interactive theater. Spectacular Way invited the most hard core scene doll Before games to our party on, we still managed to exceed every expectation of what a hearthstone experience could be. Now that's a real magic