Bruce Lorie Political Demo

Television Ad


Sincere and energetic. Informative and humorous.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
does Mitch McConnell's cruelty know? No bounds? Babies and cages denying LGBT q Americans their rights, stripping minorities of the ability to vote and supporting the Honore as the bodies of our Children pile up in their own schools? He's a monster, and it's time for him to go support the Kentucky Democratic Party today by going to K y Democrats dot He's the leader of a new generation of progressive thought. I know what the true nature of the problems are and how we can solve them. As President, Andrew Yang will bring common sense and intelligence back to the White House. I am running for president because, like so many of you in this room, I'm a parent and I'm a patriot. American needs fresh perspectives, and Andrew Yang's forward thinking policies will help every citizen get ahead. Let's make history. Let's move the country forward together. It's not about partisan politics. It's about what's right. Donald Trump is high crimes and misdemeanors and human form. We've never had a president this corrupt, and it's time to stand up for our values. Call your Congress person and let them know you support impeachment. It's the only tool we have to remove a president who act more like a Mafia boss. Free college Republicans make it sound like some kind of socialist fantasy, but every other industrialized nation offers free college in some form. So why should American students be the only ones saddled with a lifetime of debt? To get a good education? It's time for a change. Hashtag rightto learn to find out how you can help build. Scott cares more about big business than he does about our families. Like a ghoulish Montgomery Burns. He prefer our lakes to be filled with three eyed fish and kids to drink toxic tap water than for his corporate sweethearts. Debate. One. Penny attacks to help the environment, our governors, a cartoon villain. Let's stop and before it's too late.