Commercial demo

Television Ad


a sampling of different styles of voice over for commercials

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Harvey's I'm so happy you're home Dad's. That's really tough, and so is giving him real tasty food. Now there's so good from IMEs. Visual precision isn't optional. You rely on it to react to attack under armor, introduces tuned now in advance, get five quarts of pencil a motor oil for just 1999. What we in the parts business calls sweetening The deal Walgreens has always been there to make Life is here, and now we're doing the same with Medicare so you can easily find the best, most affordable plan for you. Time to make your disappointing breakfast your ex fist cause Wendy's has your new breakfast love. Come to Comerica Bank and find out how the leading bank for business can help you to business across borders. Cortisone. 10. Relief lasts 10 full hours so you can stay focused in 1984 we set out to change the world and got thirsty. Bridgeport, Long Live Beer, Vonna