Adventures of Tom Sawyer


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
After breakfast, they went whooping and Branson out on the bar and chased each other around and round, shutting closes. They went until they were naked and then continued the frolic far away of the shoalwater of the bar against the stiff current, which later trip their legs up from under them from time to time and greatly increase the fun. And now and then they stooped in a group, been splashed water in each other's faces, with their palms gradually approaching each other with averted faces to avoid the strangling sprays and finally gripping and struggling till the best man ducked his neighbor. And then they all went under a tangle of white legs and arms and came up blowing spotter and laughing and Caspian for breath. That one. At the same time, when they were well exhausted, they would run out and sprawl on the dry hot sand and lie there and cover themselves up with it, and by and by break for the water again and go through the original performance once more. Finally, it occurred to them that their naked skin represented flesh colored tights very fairly, so they drew a ring in the sand and had a circus with three clowns in it, for none would yield. That's proudest post to his neighbor. Next they got their marbles and played knocks and ringtone and keeps till that amusement grew stale. Then Joe and Huck had another swim, but Tom would not venture because he found that in kicking off his trousers, he had kicked his string of rattlesnake rattles off his ankle, and he wondered how he had escaped cramps so long without the protection of this mysterious charm. He did not venture again until he had found it, and by that time the other boys were tired and ready to rest. They gradually wanted a pot, dropped into the dumps and fell to gazing longingly across the wide river toe where the village laid rousing in the sun. Tom found himself writing Becky in the sand with his big toe. He scratched it out and was angry with himself for his weakness, but he wrote it again of the less he could not help it. He erased it once more and then took himself out of temptation by driving the other boys together and joining them