
Profile photo for Caitlin Ary
Not Yet Rated


*teen female, moody, deadpan, goth

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Look, guys, I hate to crush your dreams of buying that life sized blast. A replica from Vidcon. But your arcade tokens are worthless outside this place. You're gonna need riel money. A leg of this green rectangle ish has a picture of a dead guy on it. Hey, I'm showing not giving. You're the only two people in this world who I feel like genuinely appreciate me. So, of course, all Sam coming to your birthday party and then not show up because of a last minute fever. You guys have to come see this band with me. They're called punch. Anyone who says awkward in the face dead. They're playing the Humidifier Lounge. Men's bathroom stall three at 1 a.m. four and nickel. What are you talking about? I don't hate video games. In fact, I'd consider myself an avid gamer. My favorite video game Hands down is Super Ninja. I could care less warriors of shoot me in the face part for and nobody cool. Complete waste of Time Edition