Mini commercial demo

Radio Ad


3 short commercials

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Caitlin Morris cornfield A few times I've been around that track. So it's not gonna happen like that because I ain't no hollaback girl. I ain't no hollaback girl. 00 this my this my Let me hear you say that it is my Nana's b a n a n a s. Without the music, it just doesn't make sense. Get the real deal at itunes dot com Hi again, You Wow. You look even more irresistible from the last time I saw you. Can I tell you a secret? I think about you all the time at work, at home, at the gym. I think I love you. Help. That doesn't scare you. You probably already know that sharks are big fish with huge teeth in a cool feet. Music They don't have any bones. Their whole skeleton is made of cartilage. They've been around 400 million years, which makes them kind of like dinosaurs. Their skin is really, really rough. In Japan, the use use the skin has gripped for the sword. So I guess there sharks but also kill people out of the water to and weeks leading found out it's charts have a six, says the consents, tiny electrical impulses that all living things you off. So even if a shark can't see, hear, smell, taste or touch, it can still find and kill you. Cute, huh? See with beach.