LibriVox chapter, English, first try.

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It is a chapter for a book.

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter 19 Of The Adventures of Poor Mrs Quack. This is a liberal box recording. All liberal box recordings are in the public domain. For information or to volunteer? Please visit libra vox dot org. The Adventures of Poor Mrs Quack by thornton W Burgess. Read by Candice pledge, ca jerry muskrats. Great idea. A friendly friend is a friend indeed. When he proves a friend In the time of Need, Mr and mrs Quack had been so much taken up with each other and with their troubles that they had quite forgotten. They were not alone in the smiling pool which they had reached by swimming up the laughing brook. So it happened that when Mrs Quack suggested that if Mr Quacks wing got strong, they might be able to find a lonesome pond not too far away where they could make their home for the summer? They were a little started to hear a voice say, I know where there is one, and you will not have to fly at all to get to it. Both jumped a little. You see their nerves had been very much upset for a long time, and the least unexpected thing made them jump. Then both laughed. Hello, jerry, muskrat. We've forgotten all about you, said mrs Quack. What was that? You said, jerry, good naturedly repeated what he had said. Mrs Quacks face brightened. Do you really mean it? She asked eagerly. Do you really mean that you know of a pond where we could live and not be likely to be seen by these two legged creatures called men? That's what I said, replied jerry briefly. Oh, jerry. You're not joking, are you? Tell me You're not joking, begged Mrs Quack. Of course I'm not joking, returned jerry, just a little bit indignantly. I am not the kind of a fellow to joke people who are in such trouble as you. And Mr Kwak seemed to be in. The idea came to me while you were talking. I couldn't help overhearing what you were saying. And the minute you mentioned a lonesome pond, the idea came to me, and I think it's a perfectly splendid idea. I know of just the lonesome. This kind of lonesome pond, and you won't have to fly a stroke to get to it, if you are smart enough not to be caught by reddy fox, or hootie, the owl, or billy mink, or any of those people will hunt for a living. There isn't any reason I know of why you shouldn't spend the summer there in peace and comfort. Mrs Quacks eyes fairly shone with hope and eagerness. Oh, jerry, tell us where it is, and will start for it right away! She cried, jerry's eyes twinkled. Of course the owner of that pond might not like to have neighbors. I hadn't thought of that, said he. Perhaps he ought to be asked first. Mrs quacks face fell. Who is the owner? She asked. My cousin paddy. The beaver. He made it, replied jerry proudly. Mrs quacks, face lightened up at once. I'm sure he won't object, said she. We know a great many of beaver family, in fact, they are very good neighbors of ours in our home, in the Far North Island. I didn't suppose there was a beaver pond anywhere around here. Tell me where it is, jerry. I'll go right up there and call on your cousin. All you've got to do is follow the laughing brook way back into the green forest and you'll come to paddy's pond, said he. He made that pond himself. Two years ago he came down from the great woods and built a dam across the laughing brook way back there in the green forest and gave us a great scare here in the smiling pool by cutting off the water for a few days. He has got a very nice pond. They're hunkered, the goose and his flocks spent a night in on their way south last fall Mrs Quack waited to hear no more. She shot up into the air and disappeared over the tops of the trees in the green forest. What do you think of my idea? As jerry as he and mister Kwak watched her out of sight. I think it's great, just simply great replied to Mr Quack End of chapter 19