Why Anime is Amazing

Video Narration


This is a voice-over recording for a youtube review. I did the voice-over and editing of the audio and video.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi Alice Sirs. Have you ever wondered why some people just can't resist anime? Well, I have the answers for you In this video, we will look at the 10 reasons why anime is amazing. Of course, we all have our reasons why we watch anime. Some of us simply enjoy the stories while others appreciate all the technicalities that anime does so well. So to get a well rounded insight into the things that make enemy great, this video will consider both subjective and objective reasons. I know that 10 reasons are not enough to explain why anime is amazing, but this should be a good start. Let's explore this love for anime together. Number 10 anime has a distinctive art style anime is amazing because you can immediately identify what it is based on how it's drawn. Its style is distinct from animation drawn by Cartoon Network Pixar and Disney. This is because while most anime makers maintain unique elements in their drawings, they employ generalized techniques to make their art align with typical anime styles. For example, most anime tend to use large exaggerated eyes and girls. Meanwhile, men tend to be drawn with narrow and angled eyes. Many characters, including regular students, are also drawn with unnatural and vibrant hair colors. Number nine anime concepts are groundbreaking. Anime continually introduces storylines and concepts that are considered unique and groundbreaking. In the animation world. For instance, Sailor Moon introduced the entire genre of magical girl from their stems Several other animations that are centered on young girls who have magical powers. Sailor Moon influenced Western cartoons such as wings Club and Star versus the forces of evil with their transformation sequences, storylines and style choices. In fact, anime has become so instrumental to culture that western anime have begun popping up tv shows like avatar, the Last Airbender and Batman Beyond have anchored their themes and styles on anime influences. # eight Anime is a great form of escapism. Anime writers are great at creating worlds that are distinct from real life as such. It is very easy for viewers to find themselves being fully immersed in the shows. This especially therapeutic and relieving for people going through a hard time in their lives and looking for a way to escape their realities. This is why it is common that anime watchers end up binging the shows for hours on end. Once you get drawn into an anime world, it isn't easy to pull out of it and although too much of this may be a cause for concern, properly managing and enjoying the escapism offered by anime can also be helpful. Number seven anime emphasizes emotions. This is not to say that other artistic mediums do not value emotions. However, anime takes this to the next level. It is not afraid of being sappy or cheesy just for the sake of appearing cool. Instead it delves into the trauma experiences and feelings of the characters without shame nor apology. For example, it is only in recent years that Western media have embraced the narrative of an awkward introverted student trying to find his way in life. In contrast, anime has always leaned into these themes, shows like a silent voice and Kimi ni to joke, even take the time to explore and fully address the consequences of school bullying. What makes this even better is that anime markets this emotional series towards men and women like this is different from Western media as they only direct emotion heavy shows and movies towards women. Number six, anime has a solid community. Anime is amazing because it has managed to build a solid community without even trying for the most part, there is also a unity that binds everyone together with a simple common denominator that we all like anime. Anime watchers tend to find solace and support in online forums and cosplay conventions despite the stigma that surrounds these things. In fact, it may even be argued that the stigma has only brought enemy watchers closer because now we have to make a stand for the things that we like and enjoy. What makes this particularly interesting is that it doesn't really matter what anime you like, you will be considered a part of the community. Nonetheless, this is different from communities of other artistic mediums that create their own niche communities such as Tar wars and the marvel. Cinematic universe. Number five anime is fantastical, but it's also rooted in human realities. Anime creators like to employ unique storylines in their shows. This is why a considerable amount of anime have fantastical, magical or supernatural elements. These things ensure that in one sense the stories take place in a different world or reality. I said earlier it is an excellent form of escapism. Yet even with these elements, the major plot points continue to revolve around human realities and struggles. For instance, in sword art online, a group of people go on a deep dive into the er world and become trapped in it to ensure survival, they make sure that their levels continue to rise. Their hp bars are well in the green and they have enough money to purchase updates and critical items in this sense we are unable to relate to these elements in the show. However, the show also captures the frustrations and realities of being a human, the death of a loved one. The conflicts brought about by relationships and the struggle to adapt to a different place in culture are addressed even amid all of the video game fighting and this can be seen in anime across the board. No matter how outlandish or otherworldly the storyline may seem, the core of it boils down to the human experience. Number four anime values, character development anime contains a myriad of artistic aspects that make the show fun and exciting to watch. However, most anime will not focus so much on the battle scenes and the world building that they leave out the development of the characters. This is not like Godzilla versus kong wearing animation and graphics mattered more than characters to our lines even fight based series such as narrative one piece and my hero Academia takes the time to show the journey of their characters in anime. The growth of the characters is important. It's what draws people in and it's what keeps viewers coming back for more an anime series as little character growth will likely be panned by critics and fans alike. Meanwhile an anime series that is not necessarily groundbreaking yet is able to develop great characters is well loved. This is why slice of life stories continue to abound. Number three anime has great soundtracks. Music has a significant impact on how much we enjoy tv shows and movies for example a movie with a fitting soundtrack is much more memorable than a show with a great story but inappropriate or insignificant background songs. It's a good thing that anime has mastered the art of masterful storytelling and magnificent soundtracks. If you watch Shock Oginohana, hearing that intro song by lisa is sure to get you fired up and excited for the episode and who can forget the classic theme song of Pokemon. The music just adds to the entire experience which is amazing. Number two anime has a variety of different genres. Every artistic medium has different genres but anime takes this up a notch. Sure there is the typical romance, comedy, action and adventure. However anime has unique genres such as H. E. Harem Ma Who Girl mecca And I see Kai, these generals make anime a different viewing experience and some shows even include a mix of them. The best part is that when you're tired of watching romans anime, you can refresh yourself by watching Mecca instead. And when you're done with watching all of those robots, you can move on to my girl anime. The point is that you always have the option for something new. Number one anime is for all people of all ages. Anime is amazing because any person can watch it while we vary in a preferred genres and storylines. There remains the fact that young Children to adult men and women can watch an anime and enjoy it wholeheartedly. In fact anime tends to be categorized according to five demographics namely Sean in intended for the young male demographic ranging from pre teens to 18. The word Shonan directly translates to young boy intended for the young female demographic ranging from proteins to 18. The words directly translates to young women sign in, intended for the adult male demographic aged 19 and above Jose intended for the adult female demographic, age 19 and above Code intended for the Children demographic ages 10 and under this reflects how anime caters to all audiences when they make their shows. There will always be something for everyone that makes anime pretty amazing. So those are the 10 reasons why anime is amazing and don't forget to subscribe to our channel so you can stay up to date with all our latest videos. Thanks for watching, and I'll see you next time.