A reading form a book

Profile photo for Carl Kupniewski
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chapter 31 of theres a hole in my love cup

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The Power of the Third Path, Chapter 31 We are led to believe that at every crossroad in life there are two paths and your job is to decide which one to take the crossroads. Maybe on some major life decisions such as should I begin to take the job in SAn Diego or stay in boston. And now that I've begun to build up a base of friends and cool things I like to do or have a third child or by that vacation cabin or the university near home or the crossroads might be something smaller, such as your parents or your parents house for thanksgiving or even trained for the marathon that I wanted to run or really become more deliberate about slowing life down and getting more rest at night.