The Little Artist Colorful Adventure

Profile photo for Carolyn Senter
Not Yet Rated


A delightful children's book about a little girl who is charged with the duty of returning color to the world. I am the narrator.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The town once bustling with life and laughter, lay quiet and gray people walked around with expressions as dull as their surroundings. Children who used to play and laugh now strolled quietly with their heads down. It was as if the loss of color had also taken away the joy and cheer from the town. Lily remembered how different the town used to be. Especially during the monthly town fair, the main square would be filled with vibrant stalls selling yellow candies, the joyous laughter of Children playing games, the mesmerizing tunes of the town's musicians and the sweet aroma of delicious food wafting through the air with a hopeful heart. Lily decided to bring back the town fair and hopefully the color yellow, she shared her idea with the townsfolk. And though they were skeptical at first, they decided to give it a shot missing the joy. The fair used to bring everyone in the town pitched in setting up stalls, organizing games and preparing food. Lily helped wherever she could, her enthusiastic spirit infectious. She could feel the town slowly coming back to life as the fair started to take shape. Finally, the day of the fair arrived at first it was odd to see the stalls, the food, the games, everything in black and white. But as the townsfolk started to engage in the activities, Lily could hear the faint echoes of laughter and see the sparks of joy in their eyes. She could see Children gleefully trying their hands at the games. The elders tapping their feet to the tune of the musicians and families enjoying their meals together. Lily herself took part in the games, shared jokes with the kids danced to the music and even tried her hand at cooking some local dishes. The essence of joy and happiness filled the air. Lily could feel the magic paintbrush in her pocket hum with energy. She knew it was time pulling out the paintbrush. She saw the bristles glow with a vibrant shade of yellow.