Welcome to Greenwich

Video Narration


I voiced a video for the city of Greenwich, CT to educate viewers and residents of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to Greenwich. A town filled with pride for its amenities, community and natural beauty. Our town is a magnificent place but one that comes at a cost, it is prohibitively expensive for many of our working families by ensuring our first responders, service workers and teachers are not priced out of a life here. The affordable housing trust fund was established to help develop housing that fits the needs of the town. A donation to the trust directly helps provide for those in our community who day in and day out, provide for us. The trust is also the town's only tool to prevent large scale development projects which could bypass our local zoning through state legislation and alter the fabric of our town with a modest loan. The trust will enable developers to rent affordable units based on the income levels that exist in Greenwich, promoting further development of smaller more suitable structures. Whatever your motivation, we urge you to consider a generous tax deductible contribution which will be matched by the town from our share of federal COVID relief stimulus funds and put directly towards paving the way for a better Greenwich for all. Thank you.