Political Ad

Profile photo for Cassandra Bosworth
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Political ad for Chicago candidate fighting for pro-choice rights.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Jim Ascot gave money to a Republican senator who worked to overturn roe V wade. Now this Republican wants a nationwide ban on abortion Chicago deserves better bill. Conway will fight to expand abortion access and make our city a safe haven for all women. Jim Ascot gave money to a Republican senator who worked to overturn roe V wade. Now this Republican wants a nationwide ban on abortion Chicago deserves better. Bill Conway will fight to expand abortion access and make our city a safe haven for all women. Jim Ascot gave money to a Republican senator who worked to overturn Roe V wade. Now, this Republican wants a nationwide ban on abortion Chicago deserves better. Bill Conway will fight to expand abortion access and make our city a safe haven for all women.