
Profile photo for Chris Bussey
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You will hear Chris reading a couple books with audiobook specs.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter one into the fog. A ship is safe and harbor, but that's not what ships are for. Johnny's shed the cruise industry sales into its busiest booking season every January and February, appropriately known as wave season. In the cold, dark Northern Hemisphere, people with the means to vacation start planning their next one. They can't wait to enjoy the world's most memorable sights from the luxurious comfort of a cruise ship. The date is February 20th 1962 in America is about to do something that has never been done before. They will send the first American into space around the earth to gain orbital space flight information. The astronaut chosen was small town boy John Glenn. John was raised in New Concord, Ohio, where his father ran a plumbing business and his mother was a teacher. As a boy, John would wash cars so rub Herb and took a job of delivering the Columbus Daily Dispatch newspaper to earn money