English Commercial Demo Reel

Online Ad


A few samples of my voice in various commercial demos.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This one is for the girls who make it happen. This is for the girls who know what to do. Put on your strong face, your nothing's going to stop me face. Stand tall and proud. Maybelline new york. It's pretty simple really. Either you want to drink the best gin or you don't Bombay sapphire chin only better. This is my fantasy cheesecake whenever I wanted. Rich whip and waiting for me in its perfect little cup cheesecake by jello. Let your fantasy come true. Mastercard has something special in store for you. This holiday Master values Now use mastercard and save up to 24%. Some of your favorite stores only from Mastercard, we are the first generation that knows we are destroying the world. This is a choice, join the fight for your world with the world Wildlife Fund. So you're applying for the job correct? Now we are an equal opportunity employer but I have to be honest, you are a burrito actually, I'm a chicken enchilada grilled stuffed burrito from Taco Bell