English E-learning demo reel



A sample of various e-learning texts.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Thank you for considering adopting an animal from us. We'd like to help you find one who is right for you. Your new pet will be with you for years. So this is an important decision that should not be rushed into this video, discusses important topics and gives you great tips on what you need to know before bringing a new pet into your home. Ok? Now, we need to dive into what it looks like to start our slow trickle of products to the potential client. Once that trust is formed, then we can start a slow passing of recommendations that are tailored to the potential client. Click the start program button to begin today. We're going to explore all of the planets in our solar system. We'll travel into the future when astronauts will live throughout space. When this lesson is over, we will come back down to earth. So grab your oxygen, put on your seat belt and let's blast off. Pool maintenance is important and relatively easy. As long as you know what to do, this guide will help, you should always refer to the manual for maintenance procedures. We want you to have a perfect pool environment whenever you're ready to enjoy your new outdoor pool. Congratulations. You just bought homeowners insurance. And now if your home or property suffers a covered loss or is damaged, you'll be covered. However, there are some things that can't be replaced. So that's why it's so important to prevent the damages from occurring in the first place. Here, you learn what steps you can take to make your home safe and secure, to install a new pod into your coffee machine. Switch the unit off then remove the new pod from its protective wrapping, open the pod compartment and insert the new pod into your coffee machine, then switch the unit back on your coffee machine will now show a green light to start operating.