English audiobook file

Profile photo for Celeste Gay
Not Yet Rated


The script provided includes 10 short chapters recorded for the book entitled The Energy Formula. The sample attached is the conclusion for the book.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
conclusion as you have read, there are lots of strategies that you can adopt that help combat a general feeling of listlessness or a specific feeling of tiredness and fatigue that comes over you at a particular time of the day. Nevertheless, because most people who suffer from a lack of energy do so because of a combination of factors rather than any single thing that drains the energy out of them. I would suggest that you adopt the same approach to reversing the situation. For example, if you start your organic fruit and vegetable fast tomorrow whilst combining it with the supplements that will help to clean out your system, It would also make sense to start looking into the viability of hypnotherapy or yoga and take your 1st 15 minute walk. As soon as you have finished reading these final few paragraphs and as highlighted, do not underestimate the power of exercise to re energize your body and mind walking or jogging when combined with yoga and even something as simple as stretching. Make sure that your brain is getting the oxygen, it needs to manage your body efficiently in combination with cleaning your body out at the same time, even the gentlest exercise makes it far easier for energy to be channeled in the most beneficial direction. So you will naturally feel reenergized remarkably quickly but you are not going to get anywhere if you don't take action. And whilst I appreciate that taking action is possibly one of the last things you might want to do if you have no energy, you also know that without action nothing is ever going to change. You now have the tools you need to do, the job it is up to you to use them.