Reading of-The War That Saved My Life By Kimberly Brubaker Bradley (Chapter 1)


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the War That Saved My Life By Kimberly Brew. Bracker Bradley, Chapter one, Ada. Get back from that window, Man's voice shouting mam's arm grabbing mind yanking me. So I toppled off my chair and fell hard to the floor. I was only saying hello to Stephan White. I knew better than to talk back, but sometimes my mouth was faster than my brain. I'd become a fighter that summer, ma'am smacked me hard. My head snapped back against the chair leg and for a moment I saw stars. Don't you be talking to nobody, man said. I let you look out of that window out of the kindness of my heart. But I'll board it over if you go sticking your nose out, much less talking to anyone. Jamie is out there, I mumbled. And why shouldn't he be? Man said he and a cripple not like you. I plant my lips over what I might have said next and shook my head to clear it. Then I saw the smear of blood on the floor. Oh, mercy. I hadn't cleaned it up from this afternoon. If ma'am saw it, she'd put two and two together fast. Then I'd be in the soup for sure. I slid over until my bottom covered the blood stain and curled my bad foot beneath me. You better be making my teeth, Man said. She sat on the edge of the bed and peeled off her stockings, wiggling her two good feet near my face. I must work in a bit. Yes, ma'am. I pushed my window chair sideways to hide the blood.