Audiobook narration


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introduction. Everyone wants to find their passion and purpose in life. But not everyone does it. It's not about success or failure. Passion isn't something you win, like the Super Bowl or an Olympic medal. It's about discovery and loss. We all have the potential for passion, but sometimes we lose our way. In the journey of life, we end up in jobs we like but don't love. And slowly but surely it gets harder and harder toe wake up in the morning in the continuous human quest for survival. It's all too easy for us to give our time and energy to things that aren't important but that we think should be important. This start small. Have you ever had thoughts that sound like this? I'll take this job now because I need to pay the rent. I could do anything temporarily, and in the meantime, I can look for something better or I want a major in X. But there's not a whole lot of money in it so major and why it's a closely related field. So I'll still be happy, and I can always minor in X or I used to do X all the time but I don't have the energy for it anymore. Four. God, I would love to do X. If only these thoughts are the voice of what I'm going to call the fearful Reasoner. These thoughts sound reasonable, but they aren't. They aren't logical conclusions their ways. You trick yourself and not pursuing your dreams because you're scared. The good news is that you no longer need to listen to your fearful Reasoner with right information, motivation and guidance. You can start making choices that encourage your passions and allow you to fulfill your purpose in life rather than shrinking away from it or hiding your true potential. This book is not a magic formula, but it will feel like one. The truth is that finding your passion and achieving your purpose isn't a massive undertaking at all. Small daily steps are all it takes to make considerable changes to the way you see, feel and understand your role in life. Better still, it's never too early or too late to start taking these steps and put yourself back on the right path to find your passion I to spend a lot of time listening to my fearful Reasoner. I worked in the corporate world for 30 years, and what did I achieve? Well, not much. Was it because I was lazy? Not that smart? Unmotivated? Of course not. I just had no passion for what I was doing, but I was too afraid to leave the security familiarity and comfort of my job. The longer I worked at it, the more excuses I found to stay. But finally, one small incident woke me up to my passion. I realized that I needed to be doing something that helped other people to achieve their dreams, and that pushing people toward their passions lit a spark in my own life. Did I dramatically quit my job for go all personal responsibilities and launch a new career in pursuit of my newfound passion? Of course not. I live my passion daily, and this is how I know that it works. I no longer hit the snooze button 10 times before getting up in the morning. In fact, I'm usually up before my alarm small daily actions that affirm who you are and nurtured that things that you truly love are the surest path to personal power and enrichment, giving more of your time and energy to your passions will change the way you feel about yourself and the world for the better, and that positive energy will radiate to be felt by the people around you, too. Positivity is a bit of a buzzword right now, but becoming more positive isn't just about seeing the glass half full and ignoring the things that we don't like or want to see. Instead, what I'm offering you is a way to connect with the universe spiritually.