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Video Narration


Dry read for self-development video using wit, empathy, understanding, and a natural genuine tone

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Do you feel like you're being used? Ah, the million dollar question while we're all the protagonists of our own lives? Some folks seem to have taken the, all about me notion to a whole new level. Look, we get it. You're always there to lend a helping hand. But when you need a hand yourself, you're greeted with crickets. Worse off is when you find yourself having to second guess what you can talk about due to someone's explosive emotions. These one sided friendships are like leaky lifeboats slowly draining your emotional energy while offering little in return. It's akin to being in a bad romcom really. Except there's no happy ending in sight. It's frustrating. It's annoying and it's downright unfair. You start to wonder if you're just a walking talking doormat. Maybe you should get a new sign to hang around your neck that reads free favors and emotional support. No reciprocation required. At least then you'd be upfront about it.