3 Sample Demo

Profile photo for Candace Hernandez
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Each sample is an advertisement for an available product that may be purchased online or in store. The samples are for television or radio.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
try Celestial seasonings. Newest herbal tea It tastes like a juicy mouthful of wild Berries. It'll tingle your tongue and tunggal your ting, but it has no caffeine, so it's perfect for nighttime celestial seasonings. Wild Berries Singer Have a celestial night? I've got a problem. I think I'm becoming an ice cream snob. But I ask you, who cares about those franchise flavors like granola supreme or German chocolate when you can buy a creamy delight bar? So what are you waiting for? Pick up a creamy delight bar and become an ice cream connoisseur like me while you're watching, my skin is clearing up. When Clearasil chose me, I thought, Who wants to look at my zits? But they said I'd have clearer skin by day three. And wow, it even worked on that zit on my nose. You know, the one you couldn't stop staring at? Clear cell, clear skin right before your eyes.