Profile photo for Brian Stivale
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Brian is the Voice of UPARK's one of a kind Parking App. This is taken from the animated video explaining the benefits of using UPARK in the busy metropolitan areas where parking is highway robbery or looking for water in the desert. Here he voices the UPARK Announcer ala Patrick Stewart as per direction and the additional American Voice in the last segment.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
John is late for addict and has spent several minutes looking for a parking spot. Then he remembered a new app that his friends told him about where he can park and driveways for less. He found friends referral on began installing the within seconds. John found in a very long drive, really get it is in 1/2 a block from here. He was able to book it instantly. John is pleasantly surprised by the simplicity of this new app. Hold you Park it can't wait to share the experience with his date, is intrigued by the concept and mentioned help. Difficult Parking is in her neighbourhood, especially when it was time for street sweeping. She would love to park in a nearby driveway instead of having to walk four blocks to and from her home. When parking her car. John sent her. He's referral, and Mary was able to instal the app and see how many driveways we're currently available. Mary immediately looked a driveway just a few doors away from her home for a fraction of the price you would ve available parking lots and garages. David shared his new, favourite act with his friends. John called Park Sol that John Newsday's Referral Inc and his boot his first driveway. David also saw that he had received bonus parking credit along with commission from the booking. Wait, that's the 20th person this week my driveway is earning. When I'm away from home and my friends and family are using the referral link, these commissions are really adding up. Plus, I haven't had to pay for parking at all. It's like I'm getting paid to bark. I love this app. Introducing you talk first on private parking, showing the revolutionary private parking movement. Free register now and you block sf dot com.