The Firelight Fairy Book: 30-Second Fairy Tale Sample Script.

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These passages are from a fairytale titled “The Queen of Lanternland.” The audience is children, so keep this in mind when reading. You should take on the style of a narrator and read it in an enticing and entertaining way to captivate a young audience. Should be read in a whimsical way. In the 60 second script, you should differentiate the character’s voice from the narrator’s, using partially voiced style of narration.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Also, by the time the King's youngest son became filled with desire to go abroad and see the world, he got his father's permission to leave on an adventure kiss his parents could buy, mounted his black horse and galloped away down the high road. Soon the Great House off the old castle in which he had been born, disappeared behind him.