Purrdy the Cat - The Beach - Animation - Chloe Elmore

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Purrdy the Cat - The Beach - Audio Drama - Solo Show - British accent

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) New Zealand


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Purdy, the cat with her little pet rat lived over the road from the beach, she could see from her home, the sand and the sea so near, but so far out of reach with cars and trucks and scooters and vans and busses and bikes roaring past. She wouldn't dare to cross the road there with everything going so fast, everything's going. So one day she smelled something fishy inside a big green wheelie bin. She let out a squeal. My favorite meal and curious Purdy jumped in as she munched and she crunched. She just didn't hear the sound of the big garbage truck as it tipped up the bin, she was rummaging in and dumped her splat in the mud. The truck rumbled off with Purdy inside and turned to go back down the street. That's when Purdy jumped off and landed so soft with the golden sand under her feet. I'm here on the beach. I can run around and play on it all. Then suddenly something surprised her by bumping her head. A red bouncy ball, Purdy pounced on it and dug in her claws. Then her world seemed to turn upside down. The bouncy beach ball kept on rolling and rolling and rolling her round and around. It bounced and it boiling over raggedy rocks and splashed down at last in the sea, cried the kitty. It's not looking pretty fish might swim, but sharp little claws make holes in beach balls and with a pop and hiss and a roar, she was suddenly a float in a deflating boat. So she surfed the next wave to the shore. Then a colorful fluttering caught his eye, all yellow and purple and green. My favorite wriggly string, the longest hey! Get off my kite! A little boy cried. But Purdy once more. Hadn't heard before. She knew it. The wind came and blew it flying her high like a bird. The view from up there was amazing all the places she'd wanted to Rome. She could see all around from the beach to the town, the park and the school near her home. The kite blew up higher and twisted and dived and flew her right over her street with the wind in her face, she aimed for her place and let go with all her four ft. She landed on top of the chimney, slid down it and washed out indoors. There was only one sign of her wonderful time. The sand on her. Four tiny paws. Poor Purdy! Said Mom, you must get so bored with nothing to do every day. Did you run around the house with that rather large mouse? Did you poop in your new litter tray and look at the sand on the floor today? It must be that blustery wind. She didn't know that her adventurous cat had been blown and bounced and binned as Purdy curled up in her basket. She, she was such a contented week hat. She wasn't just ordinary, but quite an extraordinary surfer and flying acrobat she had seen all the world. She had traveled so far. She just loved the sea and the sand, and purty beamed as she quietly dreamed of her next wild, really been planned.