Documentary - Serious - Deep - Dramatic - storyteller



Navy Documentary - Serious - Deep - Dramatic - Military - Masculine - Storytelling - Polished Snarky - Cool - Bro - Fun - Energetic - Wry - Sarcastic - Incredulous - Animals

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in the early 19 sixties, the Cuban missile crisis in which the thought that the Soviets could destroy any US city including Washington D. C. In a matter of minutes Was repeated on a regular basis on TV and car radio. Some years later, it turned out that the us had a 5-1 missile superiority ratio over the then Soviet Union in the wild. Unless you're sitting at the top of the food chain, everything is trying to eat you in order to survive, you either gotta get fast, get hiding or get creative. One creature that's developed a shocking but effective defense mechanism is none other than the electric eel. The new flash was police scientist. Barry Allen. His origin shows him doused from a spill of toxic chemicals during a storm. Allen is hit by lightning and gains the power of super speed. In a few moments we enter the depths of a summer forest. As night falls, the forest awakens in a very special way.