Commercial Voice-Over Demo

Profile photo for Chris Scharling
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


A sample of radio commercial voice over work for a range of businesses -- concerts, candy, career services, children's products, banking, and public service announcements.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Are you looking for a good job with great benefits, paid vacation and a flexible schedule, streaming Edge productions is currently hiring in this area one oh 49. The Cat in association with Bridge Road Entertainment is proud to present rising country star Chelsea cavanaugh, the album release party august 16th at the Hollow, formerly the Bayou. What is wrong with you? I know that Brazilian group candies are stuffed so full of fresh, brazil nuts that they make you want to dance, but did you have to actually dance in the middle of the meeting? Statistics show that most parents only spend 20 minutes of quality time with their Children on any given day. The child parent council thinks that's a number. We can improve bill Janet and their dog bobby need help rescuing all of bobby's animal friends, their friends are lost. But with every phonics puzzle you help them solve, they'll get a clue to help lead their friends home. Making money is smart, but saving money is smarter. Banking at our Net financial is the smartest choice you can make with your money. Hi, I'm chris charlie. Thanks for listening. Okay