Narration Audio Book Non-fiction

Profile photo for Chuck Galco
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Ability to engage and entertain an audience.

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Do you know anything about astrophysics? Do you know any astrophysicist or want to become one? No. Neither do I. Well, you may have a cool character part for an astrophysicist in your novel. Maybe do not use that individual as the main character. If romance is your thing right about what you've experienced and incorporated into your story. Personally, I have a deep love for medieval history. I grew up reading several novels on the subject in my free time. I have read more nonfiction on the subject than would be required for a doctorate. Why it excites me and is a subject that I'm deeply passionate about. Which leads us to the next point. If you're not passionate about what you're writing, your book is doomed to fail. You shouldn't be heading to your laptop typewriter note pad. Whatever your preferred outlet for writing might be and think I have to write something today. They're different types of outlines, which will get into more detail later on. But some sort of outline is generally helpful while writing your fiction story. It is an absolute must when writing nonfiction, but that's not a topic will be discussing in this book. Even if you're a pan, sir. More on that later. Ah, bare skeleton of an outline, A beginning, middle and end is oftentimes necessary to not get stuck in the mind. Get another characters every story. Who are they? Where are they from? What do they want in life? Conflict makes for excellent story. Drama sells. It really does. If you know what motivates your characters and create a Mac story for them before you pin them the life, it will help keep your story from going stale or hitting a dead end. No one really cares about Homer collecting magnets in his basement unless you explain why that is important to him with no explanation. Homers, just a creepy guy with not much going on in his life. The great concept about all of the's ideas is that you can try them all and choose what works for you. Not all of them will work the same with every rider, so experiment in see what best approach gets you out of your funk. I did mention earlier than I was going to go into detail about three methods that I use on a consistent basis. That helps me with writer's block. The first method I use when I have the luxury of a day off and have no time constraints is the BRB method. I will always choose be right back to my manuscript when I have the luxury of time. If I'm stuck, I will take a 30 minute break and utilize my brain to keep me alert. And in a way that is coming. For example, when I'm stuck, I'll immediately leap out of my chair and go listen 1/2 an hour of music. I prefer to listen to soundtracks when I'm writing and taking a break. I picture leitmotifs for every character in place. I create in every story, and I will switch soundtracks around accordingly, as I create, the second method that I consistently use is writing like a child. Children have such vivid imaginations and always have a story to share. While they can't often grasp the conception of clarification, they can tell that spot is a dog. Guess what spot as a ball in spot likes to run. That's great, right? This story you can fill in the subcutaneous layers in a later draft. As the writer, you don't need to know in that moment what spot is wearing or what the weather is like. You know, the end of the scene is spot running. To get his ball, leave the filler for later and keep writing whatever comes to mind. Write it down trim later. As I said earlier, your mind works faster than your hands or any text to speech software you may use to write. Getting your thoughts on the blank page in front of you is the most important step to avoid writer's block.