Dynamic voice over for smart home device

Voice Assistant


As a user of a smart home device I know it is so important to have a dynamic, engaging and friendly voice to respond with scheduling, questions and device skills. This demo provides a good example of what I wish that I could hear from my own devices!

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome back to your Albuquerque. Now Hub. You currently have three event tickets in your dashboard. Would you like to review your events? Right on here. The events. You're scheduled to go to an Albuquerque on Friday, June 15th at seven PM Mountain time. You have four tickets to see Albuquerque FC take on Phoenix SC at Cesar Park on Saturday, July 5th at one PM mountain time. You have four tickets Deceived. The New Mexico Flyers take on the San Diego Chihuahuas at Cesar Park on Tuesday, September 15th at eight PM Mountain time. You have two tickets to go, sees Sonora at the Albuquerque Music Hall.