TV Affiliate Imaging - CJPrater

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how scammers could be collecting personal information from you, even if you think you're protecting your identity. I hate to tell you the two are the next victim of identity. Looking out for you every morning were Fox. Four. News. If you're looking for the best local early new show, look no further than Fox. Six. News at five. Kevin O'Neill, Shelley Carson and the most accurate forecast from meteorologist Jim Carroll. Next at six. A knock on the door and, in an instant, a high school teacher dead. Now one of the killers wants to convince you she's innocent. I made any mistakes in my life, but I never killed anybody. Meet the local musician so happy about his adopted son. He wrote a song about him, how you can hear it and help local families hoping to adopt. Tonight at 11 on ABC. Two. News Why sharing their lives on social media is giving some women a bad case of Facebook envy, plus meet demand behind the latest $1,000,000,000 business. Tonight, nearly half of Americans say we're less safe than before. 9 11 Details on President Obama's campaign to destroy the terrorist group Isis Onley on CBS Evening News