Commercial Demo - Chelsea Spirito

Video Narration

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to be their best kids. Need good nutrition and practice lots of practice. Choose your character, fill your globe. Add glitter, magic and well made a Disney's frozen klinsi clothes. Oh, hi, honey. I didn't expect you back from the grocery store so soon. You know, like 60 people are coming over tomorrow and they expect to be fed right? Sometimes all you need to Here are these three words. I'm right here to know that someone truly cares for you at Saint Elizabeth, we take this idea toe, heart, office, coffee, the official coffee of purgatory, the ultimate consolation prize. And you're not my owner because owners own. And we share Walker Evans, 20th century's greatest American photographer, and his historical images from the Great Depression in 1929. You make excuses not to see your friends on the weekends because you're busy. I faithfully followed the directions for using bio oil on my scar is now less noticeable. I feel confident wearing skirts and dresses again, and I have bio oil to thank. If the Earth has an edge, find it