Fiction Sample | SweetBitter



Claire Gresham performs a sample from so-called \"chick-lit\" fiction, \"SweetBitter\" by Stephanie Danler.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Claire Gresham. Sweet, bitter by Stephanie dangler. The owner told me at orientation. There are many endeavors to bring pleasure to people. Every artist assumes that challenge. But what we do here is the most intimate we are making something you take inside you, not the food, the experience. two areas of the restaurant were flawless. First three cafe style tables in the front, framed by a large window at the entrance. The tables were set in the days changing light. Some people, I mean guests hated to be next to the entrance to be sectioned off from the main dining rooms, but some of them wouldn't sit anywhere else. These tables were often held for the most poised guests, rarely a slouch er or anyone in denim. And then the bar, timeless, long dark mahogany with stools high enough to make you feel like you were afloat. The bar had soft music, dim lighting, tinkling layers of noise, the bumps of a neighbor's knee, the reach of someone's arm by your face to take a glittering martini, the tap of a hostess as she escorted guests behind your back, the blur of plates being passed the rattle of drinks, the virtuoso performance of bartenders slapping bottles into the back bar while also delivering bread while also taking an order with the requisite substitution and complications. All the best regulars came in and greeted the hostess, saying, any space at the bar tonight.