Commercial Demo - Polished - Cultured - Cosmopolitan

Profile photo for Claire Dinsdale
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Indiscernible Global Accent - English - Claire Dinsdale

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So we just built this new house and the contractor installed a Napoleon grill. I gotta be honest. I had no idea what the Napoleon Grill was, but I'm really glad she put one in. And the minute I opened the patio door, I can feel that blast of heat. You decide what makes you beautiful? Promise, Sana Only at Aveda the aeons Humans have celebrated the summer solstice. Now there is something else to celebrate. Hendrix Midsummer Solstice, A new light and crisp gin This gin shall appear only for a fleeting window of time. Sees yours before it's gone. So let me ask you, what moves you from a to Z from passive to passion, from thoughts to action? Is it fate? Is it faith? While a tired world sleeps a brave few leap for They find their peace long after the feast. And though their labour goes unseen as dreamers make dreams, cleavers will clean scotch bright. If three quarters of your drink is the mix, use only the best. See which of our handcrafted mixes pairs perfectly with your favourite spirit. At fever tree dot com