Clare Aster - Commercial Reel

Profile photo for Clare Aster
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Television Ad

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British (General)


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John and Jane have lives in common on their dating profiles. They love the same Siri's the same Take weighs the same vintage electro funk. But what isn't on their profiles is that John wants to buy a house on the commuter belt, and James always rather fancied Spain at Tesco. All these products are just £1 each. Answer these on those, which means you'll be quids. In Tasca. Every little helps. It's funny how life likes to catch you out, like the car breaking down on the same day as the boiler, your bike getting stolen when your taxes are due. Life can be unpredictable, but your banking doesn't have to be at that west. We offer simple, straightforward savings plans with fixed rates for a minimum of three years so you can keep your cool. Whatever life throws at you. Got those Monday blues again trying nature's own multi vitamins from vital life, especially formulated to boost body on mind. Make every day a great day with fighter life. Sagen Docks is so rich on indulgently creamy that's why it mount so slowly in your mouth. So the deliciously rich experience la la Kagen duh longer lasting